In fashion industry, colour used in each collection is usually affected by:
1. The world’s fashion trend
2. The colour used in some similar brands.
3. Design concepts
Biography, Market status and Competition
Marc Jacobs is a famous American fashion brand which target customers are around 20 to 35 middle age group. There are some similar brands such as Rick Owen and DKNY which styles are also for the market of young American people. Marc Jacobs likes to use his own special colouring technique which is different to those competitors. Marc Jacobs always tries to create his own unique colour palette. He seldom follows the world’s trend and some similar brands colour used for his collection. He has his own preference on colour.
After comparing the colour used on few seasons collection to his competitors. It shows that Marc Jacobs has never affected by his competitors.
Take 2008 Fall/Winter as an example:

Rick Owen used lots of black and grey colour for his collection.
DNKY used more hues with high saturation such as red and purple, apart from black and grey.
Marc Jacobs used pastel colours with low value.
The above colour palette shows Marc Jacobs and other designer brands have their own style and colour preference to create their collections.
Colour used from 2003 S/S to 2009 S/S
Research on colour palette in different seasons between 2003 S/S to 2009 S/S collection shown below:
S/S collections
2003 – Pastel tone, mainly khaki and lime. There are also some pink, lavender, red, black and white. Shimmering effects on few outfits.
2004 – Pastel tone, mainly white, moccasin and grey blue. Secondary colours are pale green and lime. Sliver is appeared on few outfits.
2005 – Artificial colours style with many hues, mainly deep pink, violet, turquoise, navy blue and brilliant red. And less colours are white and Khali. Shimmering effects are added on some pieces.
2006 – Artificial colours, mainly navy blue, olive and grey. Accessory colours are brilliant red, coffee and white. Sliver is used for some details design.
2007 – Natural colours, mainly white and grey accessorized with black, khaki and grey blue. Metallic colours like sliver and gold were appeared from some garments.
2008 – Pastel tone with many hues, mainly black, khaki, lavender and light coral. Accessory colour included brown, red and pale green. Transparent pieces appeared.
2009 – Metallic colours, mainly black, brown, sliver and grey accessorized with yellow and blue. The whole collection covers with shimmering effect.

The most using colour from his collections:
Black, White, Grey, Red, Green, Blue and Brown
High value and low value colours were appeared alternatively in every single two year.
For example, colours in 2005 were in high value, colours in 2006 and 2007 were in low value, while colours in 2008 were in high value.
F/W collections
2003 – Artificial colours in high saturation, mainly orange, purple, dark blue and black. Accessory colours are white and brilliant red.
2004 – Pastel colours with many hues, mainly khaki, light gold, turquoise and deep blue. Accessory colour are red, brown and black.
2005 – Low value main colours such as grey and black accessorized with high saturation colours like violet, royal blue and golden brown yellow.
2006 – Metallic colours, mainly black and grey accessorized with deep red and brown.
2007 – Artificial colours, mainly black and grey, accessorized with deep red and yellow.
2008 – Pastel colours in low value, mainly white and grey. Accessory colours are pale turquoise, pale coral and some metallic colours.

Colours which are appeared most:
Black, White, Grey, Red, Blue and Brown.
High value and low value colours appeared alternatively in every year.
For example, colours in 2005 are in high value, colours in 2006 are in low value, while colours in 2007 are in high value.
After comparing each season, the following pattern of using colours is found:
1. S/S collections use more hues than F/W collections.
2. Marc Jacobs is using more hues these years.
3. Trend to use multi-coloured cloth.
4. For F/W collections, main colours are usually black and grey.
5. Achromatic colors: black, white and grey must be present in each collection.
6. Simple combination is adopted for each outfit. The number of colour is usually not more than 3.
7. MJ likes to use artificial colors.
8. MJ uses colors of high saturation every season, but the amount decreases in recent seasons.
9. Spring and Fall colors are related. the colors used in Fall collection are usually the colors of spring collection in a lower value ( with shade).
10. There is a trend that MJ tends to use colors in lower values.
11. MJ loves lavender, violet, brilliant red, turquoise and yellowish brown, khaki. They almost appear in every collection. BLACK, WHITE, GREY are the must.
12. A few outfits with metallic or shimmering colours appeared in every collection.
13. Trend to use metallic colours recently.
Prediction on 2009 F/W colour use
With reference to the above analysis, the prediction on 2009 F/W colour use are picked:

According to our analysis,
1. Black, white and grey msut appear in each season, especially F/W
2. MJ loves lavender and yellowish brown
3. Black, white, grey, brown and red appeared most frequently
4. Trend of using metallic colours in MJ's collections
5. F/W usually use less hues
6. Trend of using low value colours in F/W
Therefore, I chose
Black, white, grey, brown, yellowish brown,
lavender and pale pink.